November 9, 2011

A List.

I have a few things to say.
1. I am still a failure at this blog. Sigh.
2. I am also a failure at NaNoWriMo.
3. Here is a stupid list, survey thing. I felt like doing it.


I have/had piercings besides the ears.
I want piercings besides the ears.
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have a tattoo.
I want a tattoo.
I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had braces.
I have more than two piercings.


Disney movies still make me cry.
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.

I’ve glued my hand to something.
I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
I’ve had my pants rip in public.
I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.


I’ve gotten stitches.
I’ve broken or dislocated a bone.
I’ve had my tonsils removed.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
I’ve had chicken pox.
I've had malaria.
I've had typhoid.
I've had jaundice.


I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been to Europe.
I've been to at least one other country.
I've never been out of my country.
I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day.


I’ve gotten lost in my city.
I’ve seen a shooting star.
I’ve wished on a shooting star.

I’ve seen a meteor shower.
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I’ve slapped someone.
I’ve kissed someone underwater.
I’ve chugged something.
I’ve crashed a car.
I’ve been skiing.
I’ve been in a musical.
I’ve auditioned for something.
I’ve been on stage.
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
I’ve pranked someone.
I’ve ridden in a taxi.


I’m afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I’ve seen someone/something die.

Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide.
I have attempted suicide.
I’ve thought about suicide before.
I’ve written a eulogy for myself.


I own over 10 music CDs.
I own over 10 novels.
I own over 5 electronic gadgets.
I’m obsessed with anime/manga.
I collected comic books.
I own a lot of makeup.
I own gaming console(s).
I own a car.
I own a bike.
I thrive on compliments.
I thrive on hate.


I can sing low key.
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news occasionally or always.
I like to kill bugs.
I sing in the shower.
I’m a morning person.
I’m a sports fanatic.
I twirl my hair.
I care about grammar.
I love spam.
I’ve copied more than 30 CDs in a day.
I bake well.
My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange.
I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can’t sleep if there’s a bug/insect in the room.
I’m really ticklish.
I like chocolate.
I bite my nails.

I’m good at remembering names.
I’m good at remembering dates.
My memory sucks.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.


I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve planned to run away from home before.
I’ve run away from home.
My biological parents are together.
I have a sibling less than one year old.
I want kids.
I’ve had kids.
I’ve lost a child.

Bad times

I regularly drink.
I can’t swallow pills.
I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point.
I have/had anxiety problems.
I shut others out when I’m upset.
I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset.
I have taken/take anti-depressants.
I’ve slept an entire day before.
I’ve plotted revenge.

October 19, 2011

Write or Die Experiment

See, I'm just trying out this new website. And I don't really know how it works. But I have given myself 10 mins to write 500 words and I'm hoping that they'll mean something. Also, I think that there is some kind of consequences associated with slacking, but I don't know what they are so I'm hoping to mess up to see one. Hmm. I'll hit the pause button. I wonder if that does something. I just did it, I only get to pause once. Well, interesting. I learned that you can begin a sentence with and or because. Which every elementary school teacher told me not to. And I think that it is helpful but my brain has been hardwired to say no and I'm trying to break down that block. If I click away the screen starts pink and gets darker and darker. Is this where the punishment comes in? Can one even write 500 words in 10 mins? I'm only at 165 at this pint and I've got 6 minutes left. I really should be writing an essay for Camp Fire. I have to talk about why I want to be a CIT or counselor in training this summer. But I hated the experience and don't want to do it again. Sounds like a great essay to me. I keep letting the page go red but nothing bad has happened yet. I do really like this tool though. I think it challenges me and I feel pressure to write when I am using it. I let it go red and it started singing peanut butter jelly time. That is legitimately the most brilliant thing ever. I frakking love this website. I also the word frakking. I enjoy that there are different levels and I can't wait to see what some of the worse punishments are. I still need 200 words. I don't think I am going to get there. But I can try. Ok. So I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year. And it really scares me, because I don't have a good work ethic for that and I don't have a good topic that's welled flushed out but I am still going to do it. I need to google Reincarnation. Because that is the topic of the book. Sort of. Or that the main character can sense reincarnation in others, and can tell if you are the reincarnation of someone famous. 100 words 1 min. OH YES. I don't even think I can type 100 words a minute. In fact, I doubt  I can. But I am just going to keep typing words and hope for the best outcome. In fact if I do succeed I will be shocked but super happy. I am jsut typing randomness right now, not even thinking about what I am saying. I am having a really hard time doing this though. WORDS wrods words words words words time time time time time time time time time ah crap failed.

*But I did get to 500 words in 10:15.

September 1, 2011

I really should do this, huh?

I thought I could make a comeback on this blog, maybe. Anyways, I was inspired by Kayley's blog about favorites and thought I would make my own.

This video is so spectacular. Cate is so spectacular. I appreciate her creative but critical wit and how she really seems to get the internet communities and their mindsets.

My friend Hannah made this video and it blew me away. I love the way that she tells a story that is personal to her, but can apply to anyone.

Story of my life. That is all.

This explains my sense of humor in a song.


I love these. So true.

All time favorite. Wheezy is so creative and even though he has hundreds of videos, I never get tired of them. Also the quote "Crazy Poopy Sandcastle."

I'm not usually a fan of poetry but Amanda has changed that for me.

Best interview ever.

How perfect is this?

June 26, 2011

It's Been a While...

     It has been a while. I was in an odd place; I found myself unable to put the effort I needed to into my writing, and unable to like anything I wrote. It is summer now, so I will have more time to work on writing and creative projects. For today, I thought I share a draft of a script I wrote for a video I am making. This will be the voice over piece. Enjoy.

                On my way to doctor’s appointments, sleepovers, work, and other places, posters for Harry Potter have been surrounding me. It seems that every turn, every streetlamp, and every corner reminds that “It all ends” on July 15th. As excited as I am for this day, I am terrified at the same time. For me, it does seem like the end of it all. I know the fandom won’t die out, and I know there will still be events, but it will be different, morph, and change. I don’t know if I can handle that.
                I’ll admit that for the past few weeks I have been blaring Oliver Boyd’s “End of an Era,” on repeat, much to the enjoyment of my parents. But, I had the realization that, I can’t live like this. My life shouldn’t be consumed with thoughts of dreading the day, being nervous for the day, and anticipating the day, because I know that the friends I have and the community I am part of will never die out.  If anything, this should inspire me to continue to support the fandom, to be more active in it, and to ensure that it lives.
                I had this realization while attending the kickoff of the ConTour. I was sitting there, listening to beautiful music, surrounded by amazing people who have the same passion and drive that I do. These people, whether I know them or not, are my friends, they are the ones that have the same feelings that I do, and that will continue to make this community exist.
                I don’t need to fear, “the end,” because “the end” doesn’t exist for me. A change will occur, I’ll give you that, but the end isn’t coming, and I doubt it ever will, at least not in my heart.

Two fairly nostalgic sappy videos in a row…I need to fix that. The next one will be more silly and fun. 

Check out the other "slightly sappy" video here.

April 22, 2011


     I think I pushed myself way too hard trying to do BEDA. I wanted to complete the rest of it but I don't think I can. I open up a blank page and stare at nothing, I think nothing, and have nothing interesting to say. I definitely still want to blog however. I hope to blog 2 or 3 times a week.
     BEDA has been a great experience. It has pushed me to write more and to write about myself which is always something I struggle with. But I've learned that pushing myself so hard, this early, I haven't put out the kind of quality I want to. I haven't shown my writing ability at all.


April 20, 2011

Thoughts about BEDA

     So my mother killed my internet. For many days. I am not happy about that. It stopped working and she discovered it was due to the fact she had unplugged the router accidentally. Sigh. But that does lead me to my topic for today.
     I started doing BEDA for a few reasons. Lately, I haven't been feeling very creative with my writing and thought a forced schedule could help jump-start creativity again. This has helped me to write a bit more, so I do think it was successful in that regard, but I am not very proud of most of the posts. I also started BEDA, because I think it is very important to create this documentation of my life, my moods, and anything at all. A piece of me wants to end BEDA, and only write posts I can be very proud of, however, I do want to complete the task I set out to do. I have also considered deleting the posts I'm not proud of. I don't want to do this because I do like to have the record of where I've been.
     After BEDA is complete, I will try to write at least weekly. I will put a lot more effort into the posts and hopefully this blog can become something I enjoy and am proud of.

April 17, 2011


     Right now I am really struggling with self confidence, appreciation, and worth. I'm absolutely exhausted and in general completely done with my day. The last 4 or 5 days have been absolutely crazy and I've really neglected the blog because of it. However, I do want to say that I am enjoying VEDA. It is forcing me to write, and while it's not Shakespeare, it is really positive for me and has helped me enjoy writing again. This post will be a giant catch up post to make up. Here we go!

     Let's start back with Digitour, after digitour I got home at midnight. I was up at 5am because I had to finish studying for AP World History. School Wednesday was hard. I really, really just wanted to sleep. I went through classes as normal. Found it way too amusing that someone was singing the "Bed Intruder," song. (Hysterical non-stop giggling kind of amusing.) Then I went to a piano lesson. Piano lessons make me feel the need to smash my head into a wall.

     After piano, I went Hof's Hut for a snack. After surveying the entire menu I ordered French Toast. I was brought 6! pieces of French toast. I ate them all. Then it was off to senior project night. I'm in a program at school called QUEST. It's a higher academic program. When you are a senior, you spend the whole year working on a giant project of your choosing. It can be anything from fundraising for a charity to rebuilding a car to creating your own manga novel. There's a huge fair every year for the seniors to show off their projects. I was very impressed with the projects. I still wanted to go home.

     On Friday, I had a giant test in history. It went pretty fairly well. I also had dance which was fun, hard, but a great workout. The rest of the school day was a complete blur because I was so drained from all the prep for the history test. I came home, relaxed for a small period of time, and dove back into studying for the mock AP the next day.

     I'm getting tired....I'll continue the update tomorrow. Also, please tell me if this is ridiculously boring.

April 16, 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Life is so crazy right now. Tomorrow I will finally have time to breathe and write.

April 15, 2011


AP World History will be the death of me. That is all.

April 14, 2011


     Guys, this is going to be a rushed quick throw it all out there post. I have to study for a giant test tomorrow and the Mock AP World Test, which is my final, that is Saturday. I really don't have time to be doing this at all. But I am trying to be responsible and complete the project I set out to do.
     Digitour in a wrap. Digitiour was so much fun, so entertaining, and a lovely experience. I love seeing youtubers and nerdfighters in person. It is always amazing that everyone is so socially awkward but always accepting, interesting, and such sweet people. I wasn't actually hugely familiar with all of the youtubers that were there but definitely enjoyed them all.
     Before the show, I was standing by the merch table trying to decide what to buy. (I got a bracelet and a pin.) There were a few people standing behind selling things and generally just hanging out before the show. One of them said that it was proven that everyone needs at least 5 hugs a day. The girl who was standing behind the counter immediately became quite sad as she hadn't fulfilled her hug quota. My three friends and I jumped at the opportunity to give her a hug as well as someone else. Her hugging was complete. As we walked away, I had the sudden realization that: "She's that girl from AutoTune the News isn't she?" Yes, she wasn't just at the merch table, she was the girl from AutoTune the News. And I hugged her.
     I also got a lot of time to talk to Brett(the intern) who I have met before and is so entertaining. So awesome. That is all.
     The show was entertaining and I definitely think DaveDays and The Gregory Brothers were the best performers and had the best stage presence. Dave tossed his Miley cut out into the audience and I got to hold it.
     I really don't have time for anymore....more wrap up later.

Eh, It's after midnight. Get over it.

     Guys, I just got back from DIGITOUR! It was so incredibly fun and awesome. There were so many people and I will actually tell you about later today(when I'm not half asleep).

April 12, 2011

Food, Fear, and Fantastic News

     Hey All! Today was a fairly good day but I have little time for this post. Let's get right to it.

     First on the list, Food. Today at lunch my friend Katherine turned to me and said, "Your eating habits are equivalent to either a 5-year-old or a goat. I looked down at my sack lunch to see: Yogurt and Granola, Applesauce, Strawberries, Mushrooms, Snap Peas, 3 tangerines, and a water bottle. She is quite right about the goat portion. I do eat large quantities of all fruits and vegetables. However, I disagree with the 5-year-old part. This may have been referencing the yogurt and applesauce, but I do have a very wide palette and am open to trying anything. I love exotic and new foods. Plus, when I was 5, I didn't eat like a typical 5 year old. For my 5th birthday, I went out to dinner with my parents for seafood, and I listed on a school report about myself that my favorite food was mushrooms. Raw mushrooms.

     On a different topic, today I had a mild panic attack. This actually used to happen probably 1-2 times every few months but has recently subsided. Today, in math class, in the middle of a fairly easy test, I became short of breathe, felt my heart pounding, and felt as though I was uncontrollably shaking. After finishing the test, I walked to History and sat during the lecture, slowly breathing in and out. I also ate some more food(more fruits and veggies) and in about an hour I was fine. This panic attack was probably related to the Mock AP World History test that I have been studying for. It is only a mock test but it counts as my final in the class. I should probably be studying and not writing this.

     Today was filled with a fair amount of fantastic news. I found out that I am going to the Renaissance fair in a few weeks. I confirmed plans to go to Digitour tomorrow. And. I finalized VidCon plans(are you going?). I am very excited for all of these, though, I am the most excited for VidCon. I am going with a fairly large group of friends and we are staying in the hotel!

     So, overall I do think today was a good day. I was thinking it would be interesting to start a section of these post as a bit of a dream journal. Does that sound interesting?

April 11, 2011

Overall Annoyance

     Today was a frustrating day. I'm not feeling inspired at all and I apologize for the lameness of my posts in general lately, but I'll try to get out of this funk for tomorrow's post. I just typed for about 20 mins a detailed description of my lame day, but I can't post that. It's way to cry-babyish and obnoxious. Eh. Let's talk about lesser known youtubers who I like.

Unsignedletters: This is Christina, she makes vlogs fairly often about anything and everything. They are always entertaining, adorable, and generally interesting. Another great fact about Christina is that she is roughly the same age as I, and we are slowly becoming friends. I love making internet-nerd friends. She is also in a collab channel called AcrossOneSky as well.
vloggerqueen17: This is Lauren who is one of the coolest people I know (I don't know her IRL). She is a huge Harry Potter fan and nerdfighter, two themes that remain constant in her videos. She has funny skits, comparison, and other rants about annoying occurrences in her life.
helenabeanable: This is one of my closest friends Helena. She is currently studying abroad for half a year in Germany and is "Vlogging from Germany." It is always interesting to learn about differences in culture, education, climate, and more.
icanSOdorandom: Hannah, another close friend of mine, does vlogs, music videos, and covers. She is very talented and you can find me in the "Lullaby-One Republic," music video. Her content is always creative, cute and entertaining. She and Helena have been making videos back and forth since Helena left.
savanamazing: Savannah! Savannah is just adorable and awesome. She has vlogs, skits, and much more. I, also, hope to one day be friends with her. I always am amused by her videos.

Thanks for sticking with me, Rachel.

April 10, 2011

I know. I know. Sorry?

     So once again I didn't post, and this time I actually did have access to a computer. So shoot me. The trouble is last night I was in such a horrid, ugly, disgusting, vile mood that I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, turn on my laptop, and write something. Let's just say, I'm in a much better mood now and we'll move on from there.
     Today is a beautiful day. I just walked outside to our laundry room to put laundry in and had the realization that today is beautiful. My cat was twisting between my feet so I sat down on the bright green grass and pet her for a moment. I proceeded to lay down on the grass which seems, ever so green today, and look up. The sky is a majestic blue with just a few feathery clouds painted on. The sun is shining brightly and spreads so much warmth. I have the warm, fuzzy body of a cat and I am happy.

     That's all I have for today. A description of the beautiful sky, and a moment of peace before life overwhelms me again. I feel as though should show you a picture. So, above here are some highlights from the past few weekends.

April 8, 2011

A Glorious Day

     Today was a great day friends! I spent it with 4/5 of the FiveUnknownNerds and 2 other friends as well. We went to the ocean/pier/shopping area and filmed clips for a music video. Hopefully it will all come together well. However, that isn't what I am going to talk about. I asked VloggerQueen17 what her school schedule was like and now I feel as though I should answer as well.

1 Chemistry
2 Dance
3 AP Music Theory
4 AP World History
5 English
6 Spanish 3
7 Algebra
8 No class

     I alternate classes on a block schedule. This means I have even one day and odd the next. I enjoy having block schedule because I enjoy the longer periods and I feel as thought homework is more manageable. School begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:40, even days at 1:05.
     I enjoy Chemistry a lot. I am naturally quite good at it which surprised me. Dance is ok. My teacher was on maternity leave for most of the year and the aides in the class are upsetting and obnoxious. AP Music is one of my favorite classes because of the comaraderie. AP World is taught by one of the funniest and most interesting teachers I have ever met. English makes me mental. My teacher is super nice as a person but her teaching is annoying and I don't understand her methods. I really don't think I am getting anything out of it. Spanish is annoying as there are so many losers in my class that we move incredibly slow. This is my last year of Spanish I am done with the language. Algebra is a pretty OK class. Now you know.

April 7, 2011

News people, NEWS!

Hello, mostly Non-Existent Blog Readers(Ashley)

     First of all, I wanted to say that I sometimes forget how nice and awesome people can be. I wanted to give a shoutout to Ashley. Ashley discovered my blog because I actually commented on hers. She was nice enough to comment on my posts, say hi, and generally made my day. It makes me happy to know that there are nice people in the world who put up with my ridiculousness and makes me hopefully to meet more. I also really respect Ashley because I know that, on some issues, we have completely different perspectives but she is respectful of that. Giant thanks!
     Secondly, Oh my gosh guys! Today was amazing, flabbergasting, shocking, and mind-blowing. Most of you know (I hope) that I am Tuesday on a collab channel. It's just a few friends and I and we really only expected other friends of ours to even care about the project. Now, within 5 days our sub count has more than doubled and MikeLombardo, Meekakitty, and Alex Carpenter have watched/liked/commented on our videos. How is this possible? I am so overwhelmed with the awesomeness of it all. It's unbelievable. I never dreamed...well actually I dreamed a lot...but never thought it would happen.

     I don't pass this off to be self-promotion but really I am just shocked and generally to giggly for words. These huge idols that I look up to and admire are actually noticing something I do. It's, I don't even know. Now, I feel ever more obligated to make higher quality videos and put much more time and effort into them. During the summer I hope to really start videos on my main channel. Thanks for reading/watching/existing!


April 6, 2011

I'll basically live tweet(in a blog) a youtube video.

     I have been super busy over the last few days and as a result, I completely crashed when I got home from school. I ended up sleeping for two-and-a-half hours. It felt good but disorienting. And, once again I don't know what to talk about. I just asked my friend Kathleen on skype. She told me to talk about: "stupid child porn music videos." She was referencing this. I actually hadn't seen the video beforehand but I vaguely knew the name.
     Instead of angry rant, I think I'll include a time and my reaction. I'll basically live tweet(in a blog) a youtube video. Is that a bit much? Yes, yes it is.

     It opens to Jenna Rose as the Teen Boom Boom doll. First of all, what does that mean? I do not know what a "boom boom" doll is. Also, according to reliable sources like Wikipedia she is 12. Therefore, she can't be a "teen."
     0:23 Is this dancing? Is this how 12 year olds should dance? Look at her hand. Just saying.
     0:33 Ballet shoes? Also, I don't even understand any of the lyrics so far. I just googled the lyrics. This is worse than Friday. I found Friday entertaining. I find this annoying and upsetting.
     0:44 She actually isn't even that good of a dancer. Her 5th position wasn't very impressive.
     1:01 Have you noticed that her hair is in her face in every scene?
     1:11 This is an unattractive shot. She looks 12. She is 12. I don't understand.
     1:17 "No matter what I am the star..." I think that is supposed to be motivational, either that or conceited?
     1:32 I question the cinematography and editing of this video.
     1:58 "Toot Toot Beep Beep?"
     2:53 She has been doing the "fist dance," the whole video. I don't think it is a good dance.

     There you go. Uninspired, odd blog post.

April 5, 2011

Defining "Celebriity"

     Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a celebrity. Some of you may not know this, but I am in a collab channel called FiveUnknownNerds over on youtube. On Sunday, my friend Katherine called me while I was out to dinner with family to inform me that Mike Lombardo had commented on one of our videos. This was really exciting for all of us and really got me thinking about the people in my life that I look up to.

     A short anecdote to start off the conversation: Last year in my art class as a final project each student picked a "hero" in their life, drew them, and wrote an essay about why they are a hero. I chose J.K. Rowling. As we did a gallery walk around the room, I was shocked to find that very few of the other drawings were of people I would consider "heroes." I saw Angelina Jolie, Taylor Lautner, and so many more of society's celebrities.

     To be honest, I don't think that I look up to any celebrities of today as heroes or even devote my time to thinking about them. The celebrities in my life are people that, are heroes, that do make a difference in the world, and are people I enjoy not just based on outside appearance. My celebrities include HayleyGHoover, Mike Lombardo, AlexCarpenter, John and Hank Green, Andrew Slack, and so many more. 

     This is why I get so excited when someone @replies me, when someone responds to a comment of mine, when someone sends me a lovely email, when I receive a package from a contest and it includes a personal note. This is why I was so excited Mike Lombardo commented on a video. This was a appreciation and recognition from a true celebrity. I feel justified in these feelings and in who I consider a celebrity. Sure, maybe these people don't have millions of dollars, haven't founded their own charities, and haven't adopted 12 kids. It doesn't matter to me. I enjoy these people for who they are. They are interesting, amusing, talented, and, yes, charitable people. That is why I consider them "my celebrities."

     Merriam Webster defines celebrity as: : the state of being celebrated or a famous or celebrated person. Using this as a guide, I do think that "my celebrities," aren't just mine, or my take on celebrity. They are celebrities. They are celebrated, the matter, and yes they do have fame. Overall, I don't consider myself to be the person who needs an autograph or a picture with them (although those things are nice). To me, the most valuable thing they could give me is friendship and recognition. My celebrities and I have tons in common and an opportunity to spend time with them, to work on projects with them, and to get to know them as the flawed humans they are is the perfect gift.


April 4, 2011

It's Really Late

I did have a great idea for a post today. However, it is 11:30 at night, I'm tired and I still have homework to finish. You'll probably see that post tomorrow. So I am going to steal a quiz from vloggerqueen17 and complete it. Enjoy!

I own a bipolar cat
A bunch of Harry Potter/Nerdfighteria/Other Posters.
I don't think so.
So many different bands/music. I'll elaborate later on the blog.
I believe around 10:30 am.
Laptop, assorted books, I can't decide.
5 feet and 5 inches
Not usually. Unless I have been watching Dr. Who.
I don't know.
Elevators, Swing-sets(that is a funny story)
I don't know. I'm not usually a specific "type" kind of person.
I'm 16.
Coffee but not that often. I choose Black Tea.
All kinds of vegetables.
The snack that smiles back!
Can't think of it right now. Don't really feel like trying.
Eh. Not really. 
I like vintage clothes. 
I don't like this question. I'll go with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.
2 cats, 1 dog.
Grey cats, chocolate lab. Emi, Munchkin, and Java.
What do you mean by leaving?
Original answer: 73.
I have brown hair but I don't have a preference.
Anything wheezywaiter says.
My bed.
Canada and Mexico.
I'm not sure. Oh wait. Finishing this quiz. 

Yes, the quiz goes to 50. However, this is definitely enough for today.

April 3, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

     I failed on Day 2. Wow. However, I have a bunch of great excuses.

     The short version is that I ended up spending the night at a friends house last night and I wasn't originally planning to. Therefore, I wasn't home and wasn't able to blog. Today, I will give you two blogs in one. My adventures yesterday and my adventures today.

     Yesterday, I woke up at 7am after an alarm clock malfunction. At first, I was fairly upset because I wanted to sleep in but I ended up talking to my best friend(who is currently living in Germany) for two hours on skype. I miss her terribly, but due to the beauty of skype I can see her lovely face all the time and still feel as though I am a part of her life. For the next portion of the day, I did homework, tidied my room, and knitted a present for my friend. A funny anecdote is that I was very furious ThinkGeek hadn't mailed something I ordered as gift after ten days. The tracking code just led me to a site with no information at all. I sent a fairly annoyed sounding email to ThinkGeek, demanding to know where my package was. About an hour after I sent the email a UPS truck pulled up and indeed gave me the package. Then I emailed ThinkGeek again to tell them to ignore my email and that I was sorry for being so panicky and annoying.

      My day only got better from there. Around 3, I drove to another friends house for an amazing birthday party. We started the day out in princess dresses and had a princess tea party. Yes, we had a tea party for her sweet 16. We are so cool. Then, after dinner, we put on zombie makeup. Her parents work in the theatre business, so we had incredibly legitimate makeup. Peeling skins, scars, rotting flesh, blood splattered dress. We had it all. Then we went and walked around in very public, touristy, shopping areas and generally just harassed the public. We returned to her house around 10 and took off all of the makeup. We watched Tangled(which was so adorable and such a great movie) and fell asleep.



     I woke up. We ate delicious breakfast and then I left. I came home and was very productive albeit not that interesting. I did homework, cleaned house, and spent a little bit of time relaxing. I went out to dinner with my family and enjoyed the simplicity of the day. Today was positive because I have delicious food in my fridge and feel quite organized and positive.

     Hopefully, the rest of VEDA will go smoothly. Already, this is actually feeling a lot easier. I didn't feel as pressed for writing options and already have an idea of what to talk about tomorrow.


April 1, 2011


      So, I haven't kept this up. However, I am going to challenge myself to do BEDA. Due to the fact that I have felt very uncreative lately, I think forcing myself to a daily schedule will help reboot my creativity. This month, I plan to highlight my day, tell you why "today is awesome," and generally just find a way to write. I need to find inspiration.
     Today I had dance, history, and Spanish. Today was a short day for me(I got out at 1pm). After school, I went thrift store shopping with a friend to look for princess dresses. It was a lot of fun. We tried on so many different ridiculous dresses and generally just enjoyed ourselves at the stores. I ended up with a white wedding/Quinceanera dress that is a perfect Giselle from Enchanted. She ended up with a perfect pink lace Sleeping Beauty Dress. Tomorrow, we are having a tea party for her birthday. Then we will adorn ourselves with zombie makeup and terrorize the public. It should be wonderful.
     Today is awesome, because of The Mountain Goats. I have only recently discovered the band(thanks John) and have been slowly devouring all of their music. I just bought the newest album and enjoy it immensely.

I feel as though I need something to sign off with....I'll work on that one later.

February 18, 2011

How I Feel.

The combination of very little sleep, a very emotional rollercoaster of a week, and my addiction to 80's movies has left in a really wierd mood. I should be sleeping and preparing for a big day tomorrow but I can't. I feel like crying from odd nostaligia and bittersweet feelings of...nothing. I feel like listening to music, reading a book, making a video, something productive but the actual action seems so terryfying and daunting. I have this ridiculous guilt and self hate because I broke my 4.0 streak and it still kills me to this day. My mind seems so cluttered. I am also happy because I have such wonderful friends who are the best people in my life. But, then I feel ridiculous because of the envy I have for how much better they are at life than I am. I know that each person is unique and has their own personal way. I know that I overanalyze everything and I know that envy is not a good thing. But, this is how I feel.

February 9, 2011

Laziness becomes Productive

Today I was home alone for the majority of the day. I slept in late, I had a delicious breakfast, I had freedom, and I had the opportunity to relax. This sounds perfect, doesn’t it? However, I realized today that I need structure in my life, that if I don’t have a plan, things will not happen. Today I should’ve made a video, played more than an hour of piano, and completed all of my homework. However, I kept procrastinating. I know that I have to do these things; I just fall into the trap. I have a list reminding me what I need to do, but I barely completed a few assignments, don’t have a video, barely played piano, and succeeded in watching multiple episodes of glee. I’m not even that fond of glee. This has put me in a very bad mood. I don’t know why I couldn’t get off the couch, stop watching the Glee Marathon and just do something. Sigh.

So, in attempts to both procrastinate and fulfill something I have wanted to do for a long time, I’m blogging. I really like lists. Lists allow me to plan out my day, plan out my year, and plan out my life. I have lists for schoolwork, projects I want to complete, and your stereotypical Goal lists. The Goal List is what I’m focusing on today. Recently, a lot have changes have happened to it and it has helped me be more inspired to complete more of it.

Goal List (the more major ones)

Start Youtube Channel (in the process of this one: shaylaluna)

Start Collab Channel (completed! Fiveunknownnerds)

Buy better camera

Make music video

Start Blogging(It’s finally happening)

Attend Vidcon (YES!)

Meet nerdfighters

Start excersizing regularly

I am quite happy with how well this is turning out, and am actually shocked by it. I hope to complete more and continue the projects I have already started. I hope to update this blog at least once a week!