April 7, 2011

News people, NEWS!

Hello, mostly Non-Existent Blog Readers(Ashley)

     First of all, I wanted to say that I sometimes forget how nice and awesome people can be. I wanted to give a shoutout to Ashley. Ashley discovered my blog because I actually commented on hers. She was nice enough to comment on my posts, say hi, and generally made my day. It makes me happy to know that there are nice people in the world who put up with my ridiculousness and makes me hopefully to meet more. I also really respect Ashley because I know that, on some issues, we have completely different perspectives but she is respectful of that. Giant thanks!
     Secondly, Oh my gosh guys! Today was amazing, flabbergasting, shocking, and mind-blowing. Most of you know (I hope) that I am Tuesday on a collab channel. It's just a few friends and I and we really only expected other friends of ours to even care about the project. Now, within 5 days our sub count has more than doubled and MikeLombardo, Meekakitty, and Alex Carpenter have watched/liked/commented on our videos. How is this possible? I am so overwhelmed with the awesomeness of it all. It's unbelievable. I never dreamed...well actually I dreamed a lot...but never thought it would happen.

     I don't pass this off to be self-promotion but really I am just shocked and generally to giggly for words. These huge idols that I look up to and admire are actually noticing something I do. It's, I don't even know. Now, I feel ever more obligated to make higher quality videos and put much more time and effort into them. During the summer I hope to really start videos on my main channel. Thanks for reading/watching/existing!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for not only mentioning me, but making an entire paragraph for me. I really appreciate it, i do.
    Also, your blog is awesome. I just wanted to mention that.
    That's so great about your youtube collab channel! I'll make sure to check it out as soon as I get the chance.
    I've been meaning to make my own youtube videos, but I'm too lazy to get around to it. :)
